





China Design Forum

Bio-Sketches of Speakers


 (Bio-sketches of speakers are in the order of speeches)


(Patrick LEUNG)

创基金理事,PAL Design Group创始人、首席设计师,英国特许设计师协会会员,澳洲设计学会国际会员。现任香港室内设计协会荣誉顾问,中国美术家协会环境设计艺术委员会委员,中国建筑装饰与照明设计师联盟副主席,深圳市形象设计行业协会荣誉顾问等职务。他于1978年毕业于香港理工大学设计系,并于2012年获美国林肯大学颁发人文学荣誉博士头衔。他带领团队曾创作无数优质大型项目,获得300多项国际奖项,包括荷兰《FRAME》设计大奖、英国Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖、美国《Interior Design》年度最佳设计奖、美国 IIDA国际室内设计协会全球卓越大奖等;他个人亦被选为“中国设计年度人物”“中国最具影响力设计师” “全球首50名最顶尖设计师”以及“光华龙腾奖中国设计贡献奖” ,是亚洲设计界内极具影响力的人物。

Patrick LEUNG, Member of C Foundation Board of Directors, Founder and Principal Designer of PAL Design Group, Member of UK Chartered Society of Designers and Member of Design Institute of Australia. He is appointed as Honorary Advisor of Hong Kong Interior Design Association, Member of Spatial Arts and Design Committee of China Artist Association, Vice Chairman of China Building Decoration Association and Honorary Advisor of Shenzhen Interior Decoration Industry Association. He graduated from the School of Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University back in 1978 and was conferred Doctor of Humane Letters by Lincoln University in the United States in 2012. He and his team have garnered more than 300 international awards including FRAME Awards, the Andrew Martin Interior Designer of the Year Award, Best of Year of Interior Design, IIDA Global Excellence Awards. Being selected as Chinese Designer of the Year and China’s Most Influential Designer and the World’s Leading Interior Designers of Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards and winning Dragon Design Foundation Award – China Design Contribution Award, Leung has been a very influential figure in Asian design community.


(HE Renke)




HE Renke, Deputy Dean of the School of Design and Chair Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of the School of Design, Hunan University. He is also the director of the Chinese Industrial Design Education Committee, member of the Design Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council of China, Vice-Chair of the China Industrial Design Association and director of the Industrial Design Discipline Teaching Committee of China Education Association of Machinery Industry. Meanwhile, he is the judge for several international design awards including Red Dot and IF Design Awards in German, G-Mark Design Awards in Japan and US Core77 Design Awards.

Professor He proposed the design teaching idea of “students create contents” based on the teaching characteristics in the internet age, developed a number of National Quality Courses, led multiple education reform projects including National Art and Design Talent Cultivation Pilot Area, National Firs-class Major and National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center and has been awarded many honors.

Professor He received both of his master degree in architecture and bachelor degree in civil engineering from Hunan University.


(XU Ting)

现任深圳市文化创意与设计联合会常务副 秘书长,国际设计联合会(ICoD)副主席。文化创意与设计联合会是由深圳市委宣传部主管、深圳市有关文化创意与设计机构、企业和设计师自愿发起成立的专业性、地方性、非营利性社会组织,系深圳市“设计之都”品牌的运营和管理部门,也是深圳设计周的主要运营机构以及深圳环球设计大奖的承办机构。 

徐秘书长主要负责联系联合国教科文组织以及创意城市网络成员城市的官方机构,促进各成员城市之间的创意设计交流与合作;策划并执行与设计之都有关的国内外推广交流活动,扩大深圳设计之都的品牌影响;联系深圳市各类设计机构、设计师及其他相关社会组织,促进各设计行业的跨界交流。曾担任 2016 年第二届和 2018 年第三届深港设计双年展的联合策展人、2015 年深港创意家私展策展人。从 2011 年至今,他先后担任过联合国教科文组织创意城市网络的领导小组成员(2014-2017)、章程起草小组成员(2013-2014)、特别工作组成员 (2012-2013),五城委员会成员(2011-2012),为完善创意城市网络管理和发展付出巨大努力。 

XU Ting, Deputy Secretary-General for Shenzhen Culture, Creativity and Design  Association (SCCDA) and Vice President of International Council of Design (ICoD). SCCDA  is a professional and non-profit local body which is managed by Shenzhen Publicity  Department and voluntarily initiated by culture, creativity and design-related institutions, firms  and designers in Shenzhen. It is responsible for operating and managing the brand “City of  Design” of Shenzhen, operating Shenzhen Design Week and organizing Shenzhen Global  Design Award.

In his role in SCCDA, Xu is involved in the liaison with UNESCO and other creative cities  around the world and facilitates the exchange and collaboration of creativity and design  between creative cities; plans and executes promotion events and exchange related to City of  Design to improve Shenzhen’s influence as a City of Design; reaches out to various design  organizations, designers and other relevant social organizations to encourage communication  across design industries. He was the co-curator of the 2nd and 3rd HK-SZ Design Biennale, and  curator of HK-SZ Creative Furniture Exhibition. From 2011 to now, he serves consecutively as  member of the Steering Group for UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN, 2014-2017),  chair of the Statute and Regulation Drafting Group for UCCN(2013-2014), chair of the  Working Group for UCCN(2012-2013), and member of the sub-committee for UCCN(2011- 2012), endeavoring to improve the management and development of UCCN.


(Thomas Kvan)

讲席教授,现任南方科技大学创新创意设计学院创始院长。他于2005年分别获选为亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计研究协会会士及英国皇家特许测量师学会会士, 2021年获选为英国皇家艺术学会会士。历任墨尔本大学副校长(校园与国际发展)及建筑、设计与规划学院院长,悉尼大学建筑、设计与规划学院院长及香港大学建筑学院院长。任职墨尔本大学期间,筹建了墨尔本设计学院并设立多个大型跨学科研究项目。他在墨尔本大学、埃因霍温理工大学、武汉大学、西安交通大学、新加坡科技与设计大学及新南威尔士大学担任或曾担任名誉及顾问职务。


Thomas KVAN, Founding Dean of the School of Design and Chair Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology. He is a Fellow of Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and of the Royal Society of the Arts, the former two were elected in 2005 and the latter in 2021. Previously, he has held positions as Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Campus and Global Development and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney, and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong. During his time at the University of Melbourne, he established the Melbourne School of Design and founded several multidisciplinary large research initiatives. He holds or has held honorary and advisory appointments at the University of Melbourne, TU Eindhoven, Wuhan University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, and University of New South Wales.

Professor Kvan is recognized internationally for his pioneering work in design, design learning, digital environments, design management, and virtual heritage. He was the founding co-Director of LEaRN (the Learning Environments Applied Research Network) delivering multidisciplinary research on learning and architecture and was founding Director of AURIN (the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network) that developed a national digital infrastructure of urban data to support research and decision making. He has published over 200 publications in academic, professional, and popular channels and is on the editorial boards of leading journals. Professor Kvan received his Ph.D. in architecture from Open University, MArch in Computer Applications in Architecture from the University of California, Los Angeles, MA, and BA from Cambridge University.


(Christiane M. Herr)

现任南方科技大学创新创意设计学院教授,建筑设计研究者、教育者,研究领域包括结构设计、跨学科合作设计以及数字支持设计。曾任西交利物浦大学建筑系高级副教授,深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授和国立成功大学访问助理教授。她在卡塞尔大学获得硕士学位,在香港大学获得硕士及博士学位。在近期工作中,何教授专注于中国本土环境中,科学家与设计师在跨学科合作设计过程中所涉及到的结构和材料方面的研究。她目前为亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计研究协会(CAADRIA)主席、美国控制论学会(ASC)成员以及 the Journal of Architectural Computing(IJAC)编委会成员,并担任多个期刊和会议的同行评审委员会成员。近期合编了斯普林格设计研究基础系列丛书之一:《设计网络学:驾驭新事物》。

Christiane M. HERR, Professor of the School of Design at Southern University of Science and Technology, is an architectural design researcher and educator focusing on the areas of structural design, cross-disciplinary collaborative design and digitally supported design. She obtained a Dipl.-Ing. degree from the University of Kassel, and her MArch and Ph.D. degrees from The University of Hong Kong. Before joining SUSTech, she held positions as Associate Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and Shenzhen University and as Visiting Assistant Professor at National Cheng Kung University. In her recent work, Christiane has focused on structural and material aspects in cross-disciplinary collaborative design processes involving scientists and designers, with special emphasis on the local context of China. Christiane is currently President of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) and a member of the American Society for Cybernetics (ASC). In addition, she is a member of peer review committees of various journals and conferences and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC). She has recently co-edited the book “Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New”, published in the Springer Design Research Foundations Series.


(LU Andong)

现任南京大学建筑与城市规划学院教授、博士生导师,南京大学人文社会科学高级研究院城市研究中心主任,南京大学可沟通城市实验室主任,主要研究方向为建筑学、建筑理论与实践、建筑设计与批评。他本科毕业于清华大学建筑学院,获建筑学学士学位;硕士和博士毕业于剑桥大学。曾任英国剑桥大学沃夫森学院院士及德国德绍建筑研究所、澳大利亚昆士兰大学、美国宾州州立大学等校访问教授;担任国际建筑师协会(UIA)公共空间改造工作组中国席代表、中国建筑学会城市设计分会理事等社会职务,并担任Architectural Design、JAABE、《建筑师》等期刊的主编和编委。曾入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”计划、江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人等,并于2018年当选江苏省十大中华文化人物。

LU Andong, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Director of Center for Urban Studies in the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences and Director of Communicable Urban Lab in Nanjing University. His research areas cover architecture, architectural theory and practice and architectural design and criticism. He obtained his bachelor degree in Architecture from Tsinghua University and master’s and doctoral degrees from University of Cambridge. He was a Fellow of Wolfson College at University of Cambridge and Visiting Professor at Dessau Institute of Architecture, University of Queensland and Pennsylvania State University. He also holds non-academic positions such as the Representative of China in Public Space Transformation Working Group of International Union of Architects (UIA) and a board member of Institute of Urban Design, Architectural Society of China. He also serves as the chief editor and editorial board member of journals including Architectural Design, JAABE and the Architect. He received a number of honors including being selected by Jiangsu Provincial Talent Program, and as the Young and Middle-aged Academic Leader of Higher Education Institutions in Jiangsu and as one of the Ten People in Chinese Culture in Jiangsu.


(Ricardo SOSA)


Ricardo SOSA, Professor of School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology, Adjunct Associate Professor of Monash University and Member (Level 1) National Systems of Researchers (SNI). His research areas cover creative and critical technology design, design theory and practice, participatory creativity, creative communities and ethics and creativity. He was appointed as Assistant Professor of Singapore University of Technology and Design and Profesor titular of Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico. He obtained his bachelor degree of Design Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana in Mexico and Ph.D. from University of Sydney in Australia. Sosa has been studying creativity and innovation principles through multi-agent social systems and is also involved in the development of new methods and support systems for design. Currently, he studies the best facilitation practices for team ideation and for participatory decision making. In addition, he works to consolidate a paradigm for design-based and student-centred education that nurtures the role of universities in Aotearoa as critic and conscience of society.


(TONG Lan)

创基金理事、朗道设计学院创始人、KOSMOS 平台联合创始人。拥有16年独立设计教育机构运营经验, 致力于创新型国际设计教育项目的策划和执行。她与全球10余个国家和地区优质专业资源合作,为中国企业及设计师研发定制设计教育和交流及合作项目,推动设计战略及系统创新在中国设计及制造行业的运用和发展。 

TONG Lan, Member of C Foundation Board of Directors,  Founder of Lantao Design Academy, Co-founder of KOSMOS. With 16 years of operating experience in independent design education institutions, she is committed to the planning and  execution of innovative international design education projects. She cooperates with high-quality professional resources in more than 10 countries and regions around the world, and develops and customizes design education, exchange and cooperation programs for Chinese enterprises and designers with a view to promoting the application and development of design  strategy and system innovation in Chinese design and manufacturing industry.


(ZHANG Qingping)

创基金理事,天坊室内计划有限公司创始人、台湾室内设计专技协会理事长、台湾逢甲大学建筑学院教授、中国美术学院艺术设计研究院客座教授、台湾金创奖评审。台湾首次荣获德国红点室内空间设计大奖最高奖项红点金奖(best of the best);台湾唯一连续11次进入英国安德马丁室内设计年度奖;还曾获得英国SBID国际设计奖、德国iF设计奖、美国IDEA工业设计奖、美国IDA国际设计奖、亚太设计双年奖等奖项。


ZHANG Qingping, Member of C Foundation Board of Directors, Founder of TIENFUN Interior Planning, President of Taiwan Interior Design Association, professor of Architecture School of Taiwan Feng Chia University, visiting professor of Art Design and Research Institute of China Academy of Art, judge of Taiwan Golden Creation Award. He was the first Taiwanese to win the Best of Best of Red Dot in interior design in Germany and the only person in Taiwan who won the British Andrew Martin Awards for 11 consecutive times. He also won SBID International Design Awards in UK, iF Design Award in Germany, IDEA Industrial Design Award in the US, IDA International Design Award in the US and Asia Pacific Design Biennial Award.

As a Chinese designer, he fully understands the importance of the integration of Eastern and Western cultures, spares no efforts to tell the story of the east to the world, insists on integrating local characteristics into design, to achieve the goal of modernization of ancient intelligence, localization of Western design, and integration of Chinese and Western cultures, and to create a different luxury with contemporary design.


(LUO Tao)

现任南方科技大学创新创意设计学院助理教授,交互设计实践者、研究者和教育者,他的研究专注于微交互、交互原型以及描述交互的形式化方法。罗教授在广州中山大学获得数学与应用数学学士学位,在韩国国民大学获得交互设计硕士和博士学位。他曾担任国民大学助理教授和韩国公司 SK Telecom 的 UX 设计经理,负责智能手机、手表以及汽车应用的交互设计。罗教授是韩国4项交互发明专利的主要发明人,著有《交互设计语言:与万物对话的艺术》一书(清华大学出版社),并开发了基于该语言的编辑和原型工具。通过从设计的视角探究交互的深层规律,罗教授致力于提高设计师在各类平台上创新交互的效率,用新颖、优雅的交互形式,把不断进步的技术转化成令人愉悦的用户体验。

LUO Tao, Assistant Professor of the School of Design at Southern University of Science and Technology, is an interaction design practitioner, researcher, and educator focusing on the areas of micro-interaction, interactive prototyping, and formal methods of describing interactions. LUO obtained a bachelor degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, and his Master and Ph.D. degrees in Interaction Design from Kookmin University in Korea. Before joining SUSTech, he held positions as Assistant Professor at Kookmin University and as UX Design Manager at Korean company SK Telecom, designing interfaces and interactions of mobile, wearable, and automobile applications. He is the main inventor of 4 invention patents on mobile device interaction methods in Korea. He has written the book “Interaction Design Language: Designing the Beauty of Interactions” (Tsinghua Univ. Press). He has also developed an editing and prototyping toolkit based on this language. By exploring the underlying principles of interaction from a design perspective, LUO is committed to improving the designers’ efficiency of innovating interactions on various platforms, using creative and elegant interaction techniques to transform ever-evolving technologies into pleasant user experiences.



浙江理工大学科艺学院艺术与设计学院院长、产品设计专业负责人、副教授,产品设计师,belaDESIGN本来设计创办人。2019年,获浙江设计十大杰出青年;2019年浙江设计70人奖;2013年被评为杭州市十大工业设计精英人物;2011年创立“本来设计”品牌。近年来,设计了几十款原木产品构建该品牌,荣获产品设计国际奖项14项,其中iF产品设计奖5项,红点产品设计奖1项;同时,还获中国设计红星奖、中国好设计奖、中国智造设计大奖2项、金汐奖金奖、金点奖等国内产品设计奖项20余项。张教授还曾参与包括2020年深圳设计周、2019年巴黎M&O展、东京Design Tokyo等在内的多项展览。

ZHANG Fei, Dean, Academic Lead of Product Design Degree Program and Associate Professor of the School of Art and Design, Keyi College of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, product designer, and founder of belaDESIGN. He won Zhejiang Top 10 Outstanding Young Designer Award and Zhejiang 70 Designers Award in 2019. In 2013, he was named one of the top ten Industrial Design Elites in Hangzhou. He founded the brand of belaDESIGN in 2011. In recent years, he has designed dozens of log products to build this brand and won 14 international product design awards, including 5 iF product design Awards and 1 Red Dot product design Awards. At the same time, he has also won more than 20 design awards, such as China Red Star Design Award, China Good Design Award, 2 Design Intelligence Awards, GO Trend Award and Golden Pin Design Award. Professor Zhang has also participated in a number of exhibitions including Shenzhen Design Week 2020, M&O Exhibition 2019 in Paris 2019, and Design Tokyo Exhibition.


(ZHU Bin)

现任字节跳动飞书设计总监,曾在阿里巴巴 集团、华为终端(美国)UX 设计中心任职。光华龙腾 奖-中国服务业设计十大杰出青年、中国设计青年百人 榜获奖者。国际体验设计协会委员,网络科技与智能媒 体设计专业委员会委员(AFCEC 下属委员会)。中国传 媒大学动画与数字艺术学院业界导师。HiPM 产品创新 设计峰会联合发起人,Top100 全球软件案例研究峰会 联系主席、出品人。 

ZHU Bin, Design Director of LARK, ByteDance. Previously, he worked in Alibaba  Group and UX Design Center of Huawei Terminal in the US. He won Dragon Design  Foundation Award - Top Ten Outstanding Young Designers in China's Service Industry and was listed in the Top 100 Young Designers of China. He is a member of the International  Experience Design Committee (IXDC), and the Internet Technology and AI Media Design  Program Committee (a sub-committee of AFCEC- Association of Fundamental Computing Education Committee). He is also Tutor of Practice at the School of Animation and Digital Arts,  Communication University of China; Co-organizer of HiPM Product Innovation Design  Summit, and co-chair and producer of the Summit for Case Study of World’s Top100 Software.


(Kinney CHAN)

创基金理事、德坚设计(Kinney Chan &  Associates)创始人,曾任香港室内设计协会会长和曾任香 港设计中心董事之职,在任期间致力提高公众对室内设计文化、以及对香港创意产业发展的关注。本科毕业于英国 De Monfort University 的室内设计系,持有文学学士学位。 在香港成立德坚设计之前,他曾经在曼彻斯特著名的设计公司工作及其他著名设计公司工作。曾赢取多个国际性奖项,包括荣获 2017 及 2015 香港餐厅室内设计金奖,2015 意大利 A’Design Award, 2014 及 2009 年获颁发德国 iF 传达设计大奖,2014年日本 JCD 大赛银奖,2013 美国室内设计 Gold Key Award,2012 美国室内设计最佳设计奖及 2012 香港十大杰出设计师大奖,2001 年获得亚太区室内设计大赛大奖,并几度荣获素有室内设计奥斯卡之称的 Andrew Martin International Awards。 

Kinney CHAN, Member of C Foundation Board of Directors and Founder of Kinney  Chan & Associates (KCA). He was the former president of Hong Kong Interior Design  Association and a member of board of directors of Hong Kong Design Center where he was  dedicated to raise the public awareness of interior design culture and the development of Hong  Kong creative industries. He got his bachelor degree of Arts in interior design from De Monfort  University in UK. Prior to the establishment of KCA, he once worked in famous design firms  in Manchester and other famous design firms. Chan won many international awards including  Hong Kong Restaurant Interior Design Gold Award 2015 and 2017, A’Design Award 2015 in  Italy, iF Design Award in Visual Communication 2009 and 2014 in Germany, Best of Year  Award of Interior Design 2012 in America, Hong Kong Top 10 Designers Award 2012, Asia  Pacific Interior Design Award 2001 and Andrew Martin International Awards for several times.


(Sylvia LIU)

现任香港理工大学设计学院助理教授、专业带头人、助理院长(学术项目),研究领域包括设计 与商业、设计与创业、设计管理能力、创新生态系统、 设计政策。曾任香港理工大学设计学院访问助理教授。 她于香港理工大学获博士学位。在攻读博士学位前,刘教授曾任知名工业产品设计公司浩汉设计的设计部经理,服务于西门子、通用汽车、雅马哈、铃木、伊莱克斯等国内外知名品牌。她曾获得包括 IDEA、iF 和红点等在内的国际设计大奖。 在研究方面,她以设计管理能力为重点,并延伸至企业、产业和生态系统的创新 能力,特别是从产业经济到知识经济的范式转变。她的研究成果不仅包括刊登于顶级设计期刊的论文,还包括企业和行业的创新商业模式与设计政策。自 2013 年起,她受邀担任中国制造 2025 和一带一路政策相关国家设计政策的顾问。 

Sylvia LIU, Assistant Professor, Specialism Leader and Assistant Dean (Academic  Programmes) of School of Design, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her research areas  cover design and business, design and entrepreneurship, design management capability,  innovation ecosystem and design policy. She was appointed as visiting assistant professor of  School of Design, PolyU and obtained PhD degree in PolyU. Before her PhD study, she was  design manager of Nova Design and her consultancy service covers product design, branding  and design strategy with a prominent list of clients, including Siemens, General Motor, Yamaha,  Suzuki, Electrolux, etc.. She achieved numbers of international design awards, such as IDEA,  iF and Reddot. Keep design management capability as research focus, she extends the topic to  innovation capability of firm, industries and ecosystem, particular the changed paradigm from  industry economy to knowledge economy. Her research outcomes not only include papers in  top design journals, but also innovative business model of firm and industry, as well as design  policy. Since 2013, she has been invited as adviser for developing national design policy of China related to Made in China 2025 and OBOR.



“设计互联”开馆馆长,曾任 2013 年第五届深港城市\建筑双城双年展(UABB) 策展人及创意总监、荷兰建筑学会馆长、杂志《Archis/Volume》 主编。他著有《看不见的建筑》和《后果建筑》等书, 文章曾发表于《独立报》、《城市中国》、《建筑设计》、 《哈佛设计评论》等众多刊物上,并参与策划第三届欧洲宣言展(2000)、以及参与在深圳、威尼斯及圣保罗 举办的大型建筑双年展展览。他曾入选 2018 深圳商报年度创意影响力人物、2017 年全球设计权力榜。此外,他还曾于美国麻省理工学院和香港大学教授建筑与设 计。 

Ole BOUMAN, Founding Director of Design Society, former Creative Director of the  Urbanism/Architecture Bi-City Biennale Shenzhen (2013-14), former Director of Netherlands  Architecture Institute (NAi), and former Editor-in-Chief of magazine Archis/Volume. He has authored The Invisible in Architecture (co-author, 1994) and Architecture of Consequence (2009) and many his articles have been published on The Independent, Urban China,  Architectural Design, Harvard Design Review, among others. He worked as a curator for  Manifesta 3 (2000), and the architecture Biennales of Shenzhen, São Paulo and Venice. He was  titled as Creative Impact Person of the Year 2018 Shenzhen Business Daily and listed in 2017  Interni Global Design Power, Interni Magazine. In addition, Bouman taught architecture and design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Hong Kong.


LOU Yongqi

现任同济大学副校长,设计创意学院教授、院长、博士生导师,瑞典皇家工程科学院院士,瑞典哥德堡大学、意大利米兰理工大学、芬兰阿尔托大学客座教授。研究领域包括可持续设计、环境设计、社会创新设计、跨学科设计与创新、社会交互设计。目前担任目前担任全国艺术专业学位研究生教育指导委员会委员、WDO(世界设计组织)执委、中国工业设计协会副主席、维也纳应用艺术大学国际咨询委员会主席、意大利高等理工学院(米兰理工大学和都灵理工大学)科学委员会委员,曾任CUMULUS国际艺术、设计与媒体院校联盟副主席、瑞典艺术设计研究平台国际咨询委员会委员等国内外学术职务;担任She Ji: the Journal of Design, Innovation, and Economics (Elsevier) 的创刊执行主编、Design Issues (MIT Press)编委、Journal of Visual Art Practice (Taylor & Francis)编委。

LOU Yongqi, Vice President of Tongji University, Dean, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor of the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and visiting professor at University of Gothenburg in Sweden, Politecnico di Milano in Italy and Aalto University in Finland. His research areas cover sustainable design, environmental design, social innovation design, interdisciplinary design and innovation and social interaction design. He is a Member of National Steering Committee for Postgraduate Education in Fine Arts Degree and of the Board of Directors of World Design Organization (WDO, former ICSID), and Vice President of China Industrial Design Association. Lou currently chairs the international advisory board of University of Applied Arts University Vienna in Austria, and he serves on the advisory boards of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino. He was the Vice President of CUMULUS International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, the International Advisory Board Member of Swedish Art Research Publication Platform, etc. He is the Founding Executive Editor of She Ji: the Journal of Design, Innovation, and Economics (Elsevier), the Editorial Board Member of Design Issues (MIT Press) and Journal of Visual Art Practice (Taylor & Francis).






LI Xu, the Vice Dean for Administration of the School of Design at Southern University of Science and Technology. Xu joined SUSTech in 2010 and participated in designing the governing and education structure of this new university. Before assuming her current role in the university, she worked for six years as the associate director of SUSTech Global, two years in the Teaching Affairs Office, and for one year as an assistant researcher in the Center for Education Research at SUSTech, then known as SUSTC. She also held position as higher education commissioner in Preparatory Office of Institute under the auspices of UNESCO.

During her service in SUSTech, Xu participated in the formulation of Interim Ordinance of the Southern University of Science and Technology, Bylaws of the Board of Regents and Bylaws of the Southern University of Science and Technology, supported the successful application of the International Center for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO, and was responsible for the university’s global partnership, international students admissions, global engagement, major international projects and undergraduate recruitment in Beijing. Xu received a Ph.D. degree in higher education from the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, a MA degree in education administration from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a BA degree in English Language and Literature from Peking University.

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何人可, 南科大创新创意设计学院














主持人: 童岚,创基金/朗道设计学院(在线)




















Opening remarks

Patrick LEUNG, C-Foundation/PAL Design Group (online)

HE Renke, SUSTech School of Design

XU Ting, Shenzhen Culture, Creativity & Design Association


Topic remarks -Partners in developing design education

Tom KVAN, SUSTech School of Design


Creativity and Responsibility: Design Education in a Technical Era

Moderator: Tom KVAN, SUSTech School of Design


1. LU Andong, Nanjing University (online)

2. Christiane HERR, SUSTech School of Design

3. Ricardo SOSA, School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology (online)


Good models to work with industries

Moderator: TONG Lan, C-Foundation/ Lantao Design Academy (online)


1. ZHANG Qingping, C-Foundation/Tianfang Interior Design

2. ZHANG Fei, College of Science and Arts, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (online)

3. LUO Tao, SUSTech School of Design


China's contribution to next design

Moderator: ZHU Bin, LARK, Bytedance (online)


1. Kinney CHAN, C-Foundation/Kinney Chan & Associates (online)

2. Sylvia LIU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (online)

3. Ole BOUMAN, Previously Design Society (online)


Closing speech

LOU Yongqi, Tongji University (online)


Closing remarks

Tom KVAN, SUSTech School of Design






















