C Foundation pays close attention to design education and has been supporting the Bauhaus Research, Education and Publication program and financing the Bauhaus China-Germany Cooperation and Exchange Workshop since 2015. The program mainly includes the following tasks: working with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation to host an open workshop, kicking off the Bauhaus theater project and publishing the Bauhaus Annual Journal; the blend of design research, publication and workshop will inspire renewed understanding of and insights on Bauhaus, the source of modern design, thus facilitating the education and practices of modern and contemporary design in China and exploring a path of sustainable development for it. On April 8th, 2018, China Design Museum was inaugurated, and “C Foundation”, as one of the donors, was permanently engraved on the stone at the entrance of the museum building.
Donor honor list of China Design Museum
Professor Hang Jian making remarks during the Bauhaus and Modern Design workshop, 2016
The Essential Selection of the Bauhaus Collection
China-Germany scholar exchange, 2018
Bauhaus Annual Journal 01
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